I have migrated to oxygen os because of oos specific features and network access on my sim. Purpose of this setup is to use this device as my secondary device and primary developement one. I am using my iphone 6s as primary one, only problem is that it has 70% battery quality, which means it needs to be plugged in to a power source and i won't spend a penny on repairing it because i dont have any funds.
Most of the steps are same from previous production build. you can view that here
Clean up
Restoring to factory settings using msm. Updated to android 12.1 and then flashed magisk.
Flashing nethunter
Am i a pentester? Do i need kali ?
No, i don't need kali but, I still installed it because it's fun and powerful to have a linux chroot on my arm device. my oneplus already has 3 green lines at time of writing. So it doesn't matter how i use it.
Magisk Modules
- Google Photos unlimited backup
- kali nethunter for android dynamic
- Systemless hosts (not required, i have a habit to enable it)
Directly from Source
Applications downloaded directly from the source using a browser.
- F-Droid
- DSU sideloader (Github repo)
Stuck on android 12.1?
Yes i was also missing some enhancements which comes with android 13, so the solution is to install dsu sideloader and another rom for temporary usage.
Rom = Derpfest
Although in my particular device i tried making a system partition with size of 60 gb which i cancelled in mid progress. After that incident i am now unable to flash anything with dsu sideloader. It feels like my dynamic partition table is gone.
Finance Apps
I was able to run finance apps partially on my device with custom kernel and root access.